суббота, 7 марта 2020 г.


I've got a problem Discussion in ' Motherboards ' started by neoglow , May 21, Once done remove the motherboard battery overnight before replacing it. But, all a-ok now. Straight back into XP, did another restart to see if the Bios had automatically changed itself back to Compatible. Looks like there is some sort of compatibility issue between my MB and the Q Has anyone else come across an issue similar to this? Select in the advanced option which source to boot from.
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Q6600 Posts to Splash Screen and Stops on G31M-ES2L Motherboard

Am I the only one out here experiencing this problem? Was a painful process of elimination. Heres the conclusion from another thread I made about this god damn system build, has g13m-es2l be the worst build Ive ever had to do.

I tried replacing the battery but received the same results.

GA-G31M-ES2L and related drivers

Why cant they just explain this stuff in manuals??? So heres the problem, when I try to fresh install Windows XP, all seems to go fine. Here is my issue: This site uses cookies. If Hardware Config is as follows: What PSU are you using and how old is it?

According to the website the new processor should g31m-rs2l supported ok. No, create an account now. Yes I figured that was the problem Derek, but why is another matter.

Sep 14, Posts: Thanx for all your suggestions If you replace your original CPU does it work fine still? So, reformat, try again. Straight back into XP, did another restart to see if the Bios had automatically changed itself back to Compatible.

By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. I've got a problem Discussion in ' Motherboards ' started by neoglowMay 21, So had to RMA both of them. Select in the advanced option which source to boot from.

What memory do you have installed and in what slots? Ive set the comp up on bare minimum, and it just dosent want to play ball.

GA-G31M-ES2C (rev. 2.x) | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global

Also, maybe a bit off subject, does anyone elses mobo take a while to post when RAM is in Dual Channel? Dark Mantis 10typesofpeopleoneswhoknow binaryandoneswhodont. But, all a-ok now. Do you already have an account? Basically Compatible and Enhanced seems to mean nothing with an XP install.

The power supply is a Dynex watt PS. March 06, How unlucky is that!?!

Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L owners ? I've got a problem

Has anyone else come across an issue similar to this? I think the next step would be to do an extended CMOS clear. Thanx for the prompt response.

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